Father's day is on the 6th September, its time to take out our promotional product ideas and giveaways to appreciate all the Father's out there. Take your pick from this selection of branded Father's day gifts by JEM Promotional Products.
4 Imprint Promotional Products
Stickers and magnets are some giveaways ideas that are budget friendly! Something that has become important in the promotional products industry with the hit that businesses have taken due to the global pandemic. You don't have to break your marketing budget for a great and effective marketing strategy. Find out more in this blog.
Promo Marketing Magazine
The famous furniture brand IKEA just launched their first-ever branded merchandise collection. Branded merchandise is an amazing marketing strategy to promote your brand to customers. Take inspiration from this famous label, you do not want to miss this blog!
Promo Direct - Business and Marketing Blog
As lockdowns start to ease and businesses start to resume with employees beginning to return to work, the situation and global economy recovering can be hard to navigate. Find 4 vital marketing trends you need to know to navigate the new normals in 2020.
Perfect Imprints - Creative Marketing
Covid has without a doubt changed the way we work and the environment we work in. Staying concentrated amongst the noise and distractions that come from working from home can be a challenge. In this blog find reasons why work at home earbuds make great gifts for employees.
In this blog PPAI covers Payroll Protection Program Extension, Gathering Industry Sales Data and PPAI's Rapid Re-planning Efforts. As well as steps PPAI is taking to ensure the well-being of the association. Definitely a good read for a brief update on not only the company but the industry
RC Denver - Promotional Products Blog
Virtual events are becoming the new normal amidst the global pandemic. Maximising your brand impact through promotional products and events merchandise. Check out this blog by RC Denver on the tips and tricks for your next virtual event.
Sourcing City News
Make your clients 'Virtual Visit' and a tasty one at that! Get some product news in this blog, a product topped with a customised colleague and a special message for each customer. A perfect addition to a tasty virtual visit.
The ODM Group
Perk up your sales with this promotional coffee idea. Brew excitement and hype with your customers with branded promotional giveaway. This branded promotional giveaway is one of the most wanted gift items this year. Check out this blog by ODM to find out more!
Marketing Movies
What better time to come across this blog when movie theatres are beginning to resume business. Marketing Movies is the one stop partner for all your marketing movie merchandise needs. Take a look at this blog and find ways that you can boost start the reopening of cinemas.