Monday 5 October 2015

US Presidency Race, Stephen Colbert and Promotional Products

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, recently ran a segment highlighting how Presidential Candidates are using promotional merchandise to fund their campaigns. Merchandise is often the best chance for a candidate to showcase a sense of humor and a knowledge about pop culture.

US Presidency Race, Stephen Colbert and Promotional Products
There are a vast array of products on offer, with some candidates choosing safer options, including the former Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, to offer bumper stickers and T-shirts etc.
US Presidency Race, Stephen Colbert and Promotional Products
However some of the candidates have pushed for the more unique and interesting products by capitalizing on memes, technology and voters who have disposable income. For example Hillary Clinton's "Chillary" drink koozie, Bernie Sanders' "Feel The Bern" hot sauce and Jeb Bush's guacamole bowl called the "Guaca Bowle". There is even a  $1,000 autographed copy of the United States Constitution on offer from Senator Rand Paul.
US Presidency Race, Stephen Colbert and Promotional Products
All of these are just a few examples of the promotional merchandise that these candidates use to fund their campaign, with even candidates like Donald Trump taking part. However Stephen Colbert has realised that there are always voters who are undecided (11% of undecided primary voters), and for them Colbert is offering is own merchandise with great stuff like the "_________ 2016!" T-shirt.

The entire segment from the Late Show with Stephen Colbert can be seen below.

1 comment:

Unveiling the Hottest Promotional Product Blogs 2023

As we step into 2023, the world of promotional products is evolving, presenting exciting opportunities for businesses to leave a lasting imp...